Practitioner Student Sessions

Receive the benefits of a practitioner session at a reduced price while supporting our graduating practitioner students to complete their requirements. Proceeds go to Cityside to supplement the cost of the graduation luncheon!

Facilitator: Practitioner Students

Licensed Spiritual Practitioners support you to change your life experience using affirmative prayer and other spiritual tools. Whether you’re facing challenges or celebrating successes, practitioners help you recognize the creative power within us all to expand consciousness, and support you to live a vibrant, fulfilling life. Practitioners have studied a minimum of 4 years to develop a consciousness of Wholeness. They are licensed by Centers for Spiritual Living and bound by a code of ethics to work confidentiality and respect your privacy.

Practitioner’s services range from “Free Three-Minute Miracles” on Sunday mornings to meeting with clients either in person, phone or video conference. In those meetings, or “Sessions,” they help you clarify your “challenge” and its causes. Next, the practitioner provides you with proven spiritual tools that support you to shift the situation.

Practitioners are trained professionals, and a practitioner session is like any other professional service session. You will set an appointment and meet in a professional setting. Practitioners are paid for their time and expertise in the use of spiritual law. Service fees vary, so please discuss the fee structure with your practitioner. Note: no one is turned away due to the inability to pay.

Summer & Fall 2024

COST: $30

LOCATION: in person and online

Use the links below to schedule:

  • Jason LaRiviere – Read Bio Here or BOOK NOW
  • Paul McHughBOOK NOW
  • AJ OetmanBOOK NOW
  • Mena Swanson Eastwood  – Mena has completed her student sessions. Please contact her directly to book a session. See Bio and Contact Info Here

Note: After you pay for your session, the practitioner student you requested to work with will reach out to you to schedule your appointment. You will be asked to fill out a brief evaluation form after the session. Thank you for supporting their licensing process!