The Divine Matrix – Rev. Mark Anthony Lord
This video features the Sunday “talk” only. Watch the full service on our Facebook page.
Join us for an inspiring exploration of The Divine Matrix. Discover how everything in the universe is interconnected through an invisible yet powerful field of energy that links time, space, and belief. Learn how your thoughts, emotions, and intentions ripple through this Divine Matrix, influencing your reality and the world around you.
You are an active participant in the universal web of life and when you align your beliefs with your highest intentions you will easily transform your life from the inside out. Let’s awaken together to the limitless possibilities within the interconnected web of existence!
Rev. Mark Anthony Lord explores the concept of the “Divine Matrix” and the principles of oneness and interconnectedness. He challenges the notion of a collective awakening, asserting that the world can only be transformed through the individual’s realization that reality is a projection of their own consciousness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the present moment, releasing attachment to the past and future, and seeing the divine in all beings. He suggests that true spiritual practice lies in forgiving oneself and others, and surrendering to the higher power or “Holy Spirit” within. The ultimate goal is the dissolution of the separate self and the recognition that one is the light, the eternal life, and the only power in the universe.
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Rev. Mark Anthony Lord (00:01):
Thank you Amy. It is good to be here. It’s good to see the faces, the familiar faces, the new faces. Really it warms my heart and time moves, doesn’t it? That’s something. So it’s an interesting invitation to kick off the conversation around this idea of the Divine Matrix and this book by Greg Braden as I was diving into it, admittedly not reading the whole thing, but the first part of it is as far as I got, I thought these are the principles that are taught in science of bind. These are the principles that we’ve been blessed to be studying for a long time and cool that it’s being packaged and continues to be packaged in ways that get the message out into the world. But for us, I feel like it’s an invitation to always go deeper. Always go deeper. I was thinking and I had to write it down, I could be at a dinner party and I could about something like if I memorized it Oilers identity equation erase to the i pi plus one equals zero.
Isn’t that impressive? Isn’t that, that’s a really high math equation. I have no idea what it means. I tried to memorize it to really impress you, but that’s the danger of our spirituality is people are learning the language and going, yeah, that’s cool and it is cool and they’re learning the language of what is true, but to speak it and live it, who isn’t that a journey to go from the head, to go from the understanding to the actual application. The challenge is the dissolution of self, the dissolution of the I that even thinks it’s doing something, the dissolution of the identity that thinks it’s a part of a we. You see this book clearly teaches one power, one presence. It is as it’s called a divine matrix where everything is interconnected. I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to challenge some ideas. If you know human design, I’m a projector three five profile.
It’s what I do in life, so you’ve got to deal with it because I’m here, so take my challenges and if you don’t agree totally cool, see what’s here for you. The challenge is even this is written in a dualistic experience and it’s hard not to because language fails us. Language fails us in describing the course of miracles says God is put your period there, God is. It’s like, ah, but where am I? Where am I? So I love the principles I do. For example, he teaches, we teach Reality is a projection of consciousness. Reality is a projection of consciousness that is true small R reality not God, capital R reality. And so already we’ve got a discernment that isn’t mentioned. What you see the world projected is an expression of your mind. It is, it’s called perception makes projection. It is the law of mind.
So literally you are seeing what’s in your mind. See, you think, well, I’m this body and the mind is here. The reality is you are an all pervasive mind beyond comprehension and size because it’s not even sizable and the identity of the body is like a top of a pin. That’s what you are identifying yourself as. So the spiritual awakening must pop you out of that identity of the body into the vast understanding that the mind that is causing the projected world is one mind. You do influence it. Your prayers influence it, your positive thoughts, all these things are beautiful, all these things are good, but let’s go as deep as we can go. It also says we are co-creating a world.
You dig that right? It says, we must find a collective awakening so that something will change. That’s wrong. It has to be wrong because think about this, if there is a we, then there is two, and if there is two, then it’s dependent on you. And if I have to depend on you to change the world, then I lose my power. The reality is the world can be saved in your mind and your mind alone. 12 steps says for someone to recover, I’m sorry. When people make their amends in the 12 steps, it’s the eighth and ninth step, they’re very clear. You’re going to someone to make an amends to say, I’m sorry, but they tell you your forgiveness is not dependent on them because if you give them the key to the authority that says now you can be free, now you are forgiven, then the whole equation is wrong.
You are a victim to their choosing. So you go into this experience already accepting your own forgiveness, making amends from there and causing a reaction of transformation and what they do or don’t do is not dependent on, it doesn’t cause your happiness. This is the same truth. If I could get one idea to you, it’s a paradox because there’s a we everyone here, but I had a profound mystical meditation two years ago where in the meditation the entire world went into my mind and I saw literally everyone as me, everyone, everyone. This is my dream, Maya. It’s what it’s called in Buddhism. It’s what they reference in the book in illusion there’s an illusion overlaying the reality of God. Reality of God is here, RG, but the illusion of our separate identity of you and me. This is what is in our way and this is what we keep trying to change, fix, manage, and control.
We try to change an illusion so that we can feel better. But here’s the problem. We saw it in California. I imagine a lot of those people whose houses are gone wrote wonderful goals for 2025 that might even have made a pretty vision board. But then life comes in and it says, now you’re going this way. And if we think that life is under our control and we hold our vision board up to the universe and go, this is it, and then life says this, then who is in suffering? Me? I’m in suffering. I don’t mean to use this example because it’s really fresh, I understand, but it’s in me and I can’t stop those who know me know I love Byron Katie because she is an awakened one and she speaks from that and she tells a story about the difference between an awakened one and someone who is unawakened for lack of better words, and if they’re watching a house burn down sitting on the curb, the unawakened one goes, oh my God, I’ve lost everything. This is horrible. This is horrible. This is horrible. This is terrible. And the awakened one goes, wow, look at that fire. I wonder what’s next. This is amazing. Now that’s contrast, is it not? But who are we really? Who is the one in the divine matrix? The one who is unattached?
The teaching is that we influence the matrix. What you think, what you feel, because it is your feeling tone that is enlivened and what shares, and that is true too. However, it says that the past, present and future are all wound up into one. Have you heard that idea? Can I tell you the challenge of that one? I promise I’m going to give you some good things to take if the past and the future are not real because they’re just made up according to your thinking about them. Where is it? If the past and the future and the present moment are all here, where is that here? It’s in your thinking, isn’t it? I don’t know what past you’re thinking of. I don’t know where your mind is, but the truth is, the past is stick with me here. The past is unreal. The future is unreal.
It’s just made up. The present is real. It is the holy instant. It is the now moment that is real. That is where influence is made. It is in the identity of the God self where you have a thought, you speak a prayer and that ripples connects and heals. But our challenge is we got to get super humble because I don’t know who’s the past self, the future self, the identity now moment self and the work now becomes my spiritual path is releasing the past overlay, releasing the attachment to the future overlay, letting that dissolve through the practice of prayer and forgiveness. Now I have a focus because if the past is here, I am of no good. If I’m talking to you from the past, then I don’t even have a living conversation. Has this ever happened to you? It happens in my house a lot and I hope Patrick is watching and I do it too.
You’re sitting there thinking about something that happened three days ago and then they walk in the room, I need to talk to you about something. Where am I? I’m in my story and now I’m making them him come into my past story and wind his way out of it. I’m attacking him with a rejection of the past and they’re like, give me a minute here. I don’t even know where you are. You’re cornered. We all feel that way at times. We get cornered by someone’s story. Then if you can pause, you go, I’m trying to get myself out of the corner of something you’re making up. That’s a lot of work. No wonder relationships are hard. Story, story, story, story. So if I’m looking at something that appears broken, then the spiritual practice, my spiritual practice says I must be looking at the past. I must be looking at something I’m making up in my mind. The only solution we’re guided to do is if, and here’s my equation. It’s really easy and I lose 99% of the time each day. If I’m not seeing the Christ in you, I’m not seeing yet. I’m not if all that I hope that’s not me. Sorry guys.
I never do that. That’s crazy. You know how many times that’s been done to me by other people? Where was I? Thank you, thank you. If I’m not seeing the God in you, then I’m not seeing the present moment. Because the present moment, the divinity, the divine matrix of soul, of being, of oneness doesn’t have a past in the future. It is, it is. And that’s how it’s alive. And that’s where mountains move and that’s where sickness is healed. It’s built right into the five-step process of spiritual mind treatment. What’s the first step? People, God is recognition. God is the first step of our prayer practice brings us to this high truth, and what it says is, if my thought of a separate identity is going to do this prayer, then we’re in trouble. So the person praying immediately begins using their words that lift them to the highest truth where they don’t have a past or a future.
The prayer practitioner’s job is to get to the point where they see the Christ in you and then they go, disease. What’s that? What are you talking about? Lack and limitation. Well, that’s not of God. That’s get that out of the way. This is what the power of prayer does. Science of mind gets at because science of mind says step one, recognize God is and that’s all there is. Now, this has got me working morning, noon, and night because I don’t want to read another book and get turned on and get high. I just don’t want to, if I may want to live this fucking stuff, period. Just I have to. I think we have to. I’m responsible. Don’t worry. No, we I have to because I’ve devoured unity. I love unity. The sister movement to science of mind, they were born at the same time create a pretty much, I think Unity’s 10 or 20 years earlier, but the same place from very different experiences because unity was born from a healing Myrtle Fillmore, which is the Myrtle, and Charles Fillmore, the founders Myrtle Fillmore had tuberculosis, which at this time was a fatal illness.
And she said, I am a child of God, therefore I do not inherit disease. Divine identity. She worked that truth. She lived that truth. She prayed that truth. She meditated on that truth and she had a miracle. So the whole movement comes from healing, heart-centered oneness, passion. That’s where that comes from. Science of mind comes from a man who loved reading Troward Emerson, a man who really used the intellect to pull out spiritual equations that made sense to him. So we’ve kind of got the heart in the head, don’t we? Of these two movements. It’s really cool. I love that. I spent years studying both of them. Then of course, miracles comes along in my life and that’s both. And there’s something transcendent for me because it says God is period. It says the world can be saved by one mind and it’s mine and it’s yours. That’s weird. But this is the invitation. This is the invitation. Yes, it’s a crazy world. Can you take full responsibility for it? Can you say the entire world is my projection? It’s what it teaches. There isn’t a we because if there is a, we we’re screwed.
It’s true. It’s just true. Now let me go further because your mind may be going, oh great, I’ve got to end the war on the other side of the world. I’ve got to fix these government issues, this broken medical system. That’s what the ego does. The ego will catapult you out into macro collective experiences that disempower you. And then we just sit on the couch and have some more Hagan, Dazs, Ben and Jerry’s me if you know me. So this is the next thing that’s important to recognize. I call it stay in your hula hoop, stay here. What’s in my hula hoop? Well, crap, what’s in my hula hoop is I don’t like my neighbor. But see, I don’t want to deal with that. I don’t want to address that. That’s personal. I’d rather talk about the world out there. I’d rather have conversations about how horrible the current president is, but for God’s sake, don’t let me look at the thoughts I’m having about my mom, my dad, my sister, myself.
That’s the disconnect. Do you see that? And what we don’t get, and what I pray you’ll get is that doing the work in your hula hoop, I think is the best gift you can give to the world. Because why? Because of the divine matrix. Because it’s interconnected. Because if you will forgive your neighbor next door for real, you have caused a holy relationship to be restored. You have caused a revelation of God where there was two, now there is one. And in that healing, that will ripple and that will be a beautiful contribution to the world. It makes us mad. It’s just too simple and it’s way too personal and it’s way too close to home. Are you tracking with this? Every one of us, if we really believe there is a divine matrix in which you live, everything is interconnected. Everything is your projection, the world you see, the world I see is the world in me.
That’s it. And I really like to put my periods in shorter sentences. If I say the world I see is the world in me and that includes so-and-so and that includes so-and-so, I’m starting to be pulled into form and I’m starting to muddy the waters. So if you start to muddy the waters, shorten the sentence, God is blah, blah, blah, God is blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, God isn’t back up. God is just give that a try. The world I see is the world in me. What if you don’t need to understand that? What if you don’t even need to agree with it, but you allow it because it has principle and truth inherent in it. What if you allow that to work on you See, what happens is, and this is our first healing, God, let this be a healing in this room. We feel guilty, we feel bad and wrong about it.
Oh, great. The world’s all screwed up and I’m making it. Yeah, but the one who’s making the screwed up world isn’t even the one that’s one with God because God doesn’t do that. So back up, back up, back up. The one that is divine and holy in you is unharmed. Untouched, never gets sick, never born, never. Dies is God is you are. That is one. So which one feels guilty, bad and wrong? Which one gets triggered and suddenly feels over responsible? It is the one that believes you are separate. This is our healing. And what is the one that you believe you are separate made of? Take a guess.
PAST, the past, the one you’re grappling with and what really think about it. I’m going to trip on this baby. Think about it. Which one are you holding accountable and feeling bad about? And if you, okay, well this me well, what does that mean made of? Well, what I did when I was in third grade, what I said to so-and-so yesterday, the collective beliefs of my parents. What am I pointing to that’s responsible. You will realize it is constructed of beliefs and ideas from the past. Therefore, stick with me. Take a breath. We must challenge even that identity. Is that you or is that a thought of you that you just use the problem that lives underneath? This is the belief that we’re guilty, the belief that we’re separate. The problem that’s underneath the belief that we’re separate is the belief that you’re guilty, that you did something bad and wrong. What’s driving the identity that makes you feel overly responsible, that makes you hide, that makes you go, I’m not going to show them this part. And then where’s the experience of separation? Right where you are.
It’s a challenging idea to walk into before you go to anything, to walk into a room and say, if there really is nobody else there but me, what am I afraid to say? What am I afraid to share? What am I hiding? Why am I dressing up a certain way? Here’s the problem. This whole world, the construct, it comes down. It’s not a problem, it’s the freedom. But without the tools that are offered here at Cityside, the deconstruction of that false self is impossible unless you have a profound spiritual awakening like Byron Katie where you just wake up one morning and boom, you’re there. That is the rarest form of awakening ever. Most of us are on the becoming, we’re on that track. So this is why this community is so powerful and so important because it says, alright, here’s the principles, but here’s the tools to do it.
And you’ve got to commit to working those tools more. Read the books fantastic, but up your practice while you’re reading those books so that you’re being intellectually moved so that you’re being emotionally moved and you’re meeting it with your intention. The more I learn, the more I surrender to God, the more I realize I know nothing. I don’t want to know anything. It’s dangerous if I do, but when I let that light being, which I am have the way, then suddenly things start working and blessings do flow. That is you aren’t the one who thinks you’re broken. You’re not the one who thinks you’re a body. You’re not the one who’s aging. You’re not the one who’s got the achy knees or the achy shoulders. You’re not the one who is in an argument with so-and-so. You’re not the ones struggling with bills, you’re not, any of those things are not a part of the divine matrix. They aren’t. They’re the Maya. They’re the illusion. They’re made up. Now. You almighty creator can breed life into them with your attention. You can breathe them into your experience and fight for their identity. And it makes sense. We do. It feels so fricking real, doesn’t it? Don’t tell me this isn’t real.
But in this room we have to say that I’m not going to go out on the street if someone is crying in great pain and go, this isn’t real. You’re in an illusion that’s not even nice. I’m going to sit down with them. Hopefully I’m going to love them. But in my head, I’m going to be saying, you are the Christ. You are the Christ. You are the Christ. That’s the access point to the divine matrix where you feel it and sense it and feel it and know it and can have a loving thought and watch it ripple. It’s amazing. The other practice I’m want to bring forward before I pray, I have no idea of my time, is forgiveness. There comes a point of, for me, what’s the world for? It’s for one thing. This world, this illusory world, the suffering world, it is for one thing to be forgiven. Everything is an opportunity for me to look at it, let it go, let forgiveness dissolve the story so that God can become more full. That’s it. Something appears, oh, that doesn’t feel like God. Let this be forgiven. Let this be forgiven. There’s a great saying or a great little tool that I learned and it’s called, oh, dang it. Let this be now. I hate that.
Okay, give me a minute because it’s really good. Let this be for, oh, well it’ll come back or it won’t. But my point is, when we find ourselves in a separating thought, any attack thought, any judgment, any blaming thought, any idea other than God is on a spiritual path, it becomes a gift. Oh, helps me see my mouth course. Oh, course correct. Oh, course correct. But the way you do it willingly and all day long is you don’t identify with that thought. You just go, oh, that’s the mind. That’s the Holy Spirit, God, whatever you want to call it, the divine self telling me I’m out base. That’s it. See, I spent probably lifetimes identifying with those thoughts, feeling bad about them, burying them, hiding them, praying that they would go away. But it’s hard for them to go away when I’m making them real. They go away when we just know that’s what the mind does. And every thought other than God is my opportunity to forgive, to pray to realign.
That’s what we do. And I don’t have, I feel so grateful for this. I teach a lot online and I always, I hear students, they learn something, they practice it, and they have an argument with their husband or wife and then they go, well, this doesn’t work. And I’m like, no, it works. Don’t stop working. It Don’t make up a story of when you are there. I don’t have that story. I have no story that says If tomorrow is a crap load of negative thoughts, then I must not be doing something right. I don’t. I go, well, it looks like today is a real spiritual practice day. This is an invitation to turn on the practice. This is not who I am. And yeah, it makes me crazy sometimes. I’ll be honest, there’s some stories that are on the slow burn healing. Anyone got one?
It’s like, are you kidding me? How long until this is healed? How long? And I just go, I don’t know. Maybe today, maybe not. But what do I do? Forgive it. Practice, forgive it. Practice. There is a divine, I call it the Holy Spirit. Call it whatever a God self, there is a something that is in you. That is you. The higher self, the 12 steps calls it higher power. There is something that is wired to guide you. It is wired for every conversation to tell you what to say. It’s wired perfectly. You must have that lower self surrender and ask it and ask it. And that’s where it does feel like to inside of you. But that’s okay. It’s a positive use of the i thou relationship. Holy Spirit, what do I say here? Holy Spirit, go before me into this meeting. Holy Spirit, I’m thinking crazy thoughts.
Bring me home. Bring me home all day long. I do that because the split mind that entertains fear and love is being healed in you. That’s our work. And I kid you not. When that split mind is healed and you no longer have thoughts of fear, the world has been saved because where’s the world in your mind? And what will you see? God’s world. You will see God’s world and it will be saved. You have that much power. That is the power that you have. Yeah, take a breath. That was a lot, wasn’t it? Let’s pray. Open your hands if that’s comfortable. That represents receptivity. Take some nice deep breaths. If it’s comfortable, lift your chin up, opening the heart. Deep breathing. Follow the breath down. Notice when it turns and becomes an exhale.
Singer (32:49):
I am like, keep breathing. Deep breath, deep. Am I?
Rev. Mark Anthony Lord (33:24):
I am that. I am that God is. God is. God is. And what we’d love to do here is we put these high vibrational qualities onto it. God is light. God is unconditioned love. God is eternal life with no death. God is good with no opposite. God is one power, one presence, nothing else. It is in spirit. It is in the realm of beingness. God is, God is. And from this truth of knowing and absoluteness, we use words to extend that into our identity. I am that. I am that which God is. And as God is only that I am. Only that I am light. I am all the glory, all the good, all the peace, all the power. I am the eternal life. I am. That which is not born and never dies. I am that which is in the back of it all.
Is it all. And from that place, creative power flows because it is in this now moment. God is I am. And from this place of oneness, knowing that everyone here is me is one. I speak this truth in this prayer, claiming, accepting the dissolution of the belief in another self. Holy Spirit, activate and free us from the belief of fear and the fueling of fear and the recycling of fear. And using the past, overlaying it out in the present moment and then going, where is God purify releases of this thing called the past. Release us of the belief in fear. I of myself can’t do this. Jesus said, I do nothing. It is God within that does the work God within Holy Spirit, let all thoughts of otherness be forgiven. Let all belief in this world as what I am, be forgiven and release because it’s the only way I can really serve Holy Spirit. Give me the willingness to do what is in my hula hoop love and forgive myself, love and forgive the one I hate in my world. That’s enough today. That’s enough. Let me know that’s enough and give me the courage and the willingness to do that. And through it all, I am light.
Singer (36:17):
I am light. Not the mistakes that I have made or any other things that caused me pain. I am not the peace of the dream.
Rev. Mark Anthony Lord (36:43):
Sing along everybody nice. And from your heart,
Singer (36:54):
I’m light. I am light I am light….,
Rev. Mark Anthony Lord (37:05):
See it in your heart. See the light. Fill your being with it. I take a deep breath to feel this. Thank you. Thank you, holy Spirit. This is what I am. This is what I am, and the world is healed here, and so it is. Amen. Amen.