Affirmative Prayer: Align With Your Truth

Affirmative Prayer takes the basic principles of prayer and amplifies its intention by becoming one with the prayer’s intended outcome. Affirmative prayer does not beg or beseech a power outside of ourselves. It joins with the Oneness with the Universe, directing the law of prayer from a place of knowing that we are all one with a Higher Power. Our faith in that Oneness directs the outcome of our experience for the highest good of all. Learn how to easily and effortlessly utilize affirmative prayer to manifest the life your soul wants you to have.

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Define and practice affirmative prayer
  • Learn how to utilize affirmative prayer every day
  • Expect more for yourself and your life
  • Enjoy a greater sense of connectivity with life and your Higher Power
  • Experience a purpose-driven life directed by you and your Divine rather than letting the outside world direct it for you

Facilitator: Denise Maple, LSP

Thursday, April 24
6:30p – 8:00p CT

COST: $30 (no one turned away)

LOCATION: Virtually via zoom, link provided upon registration